Monday, 6 July 2015

An Expert on site.

Where to start? On Friday night I was at a campsite and with camera in hand, I got some nice moth shots. Not all identified yet and some I suspect might go unidentified. Have identified Peach Blossom (Thyatria batis), Clouded Border (Lomaspilis marginata) Common Emerald (Hemithee aestivaria), Riband Wave (Idaea avesita), Buff-tip (Phalera bucephala), Swallowtailed (Ourapter sambucaria), There are more so will put more pics up later when I have identified some more. Here are two pics that I have at the moment.

Peach Blossom - Thyatira batis

Swallowtailed Moth - Ourapteryx sambucaria

Can't sleep at the best of times and this was no exception. Thunder, lightning and heavy rain later, and not much sleep. Next day I was at Broadwater Warren ready for a walk with a local expert. Were shown Alder buckthorn which is the food plant of the Brimstone butterfly, whose caterpillars eat the leaves. It's flowers provide a source of pollen and nectar for bees and other insects, and it's berries are eaten by birds. It thrives in acidic areas including woodlands, wet heathlands, bogs and river banks. It is widespread but rare. It does explain why there have been so many Brimstone. Then added Red Admiral, Large Skipper (Ochlodes sylvanus), Large White. Next was Buff-tailed Bumblebee and Cinnabar caterpillars. Field Grasshopper made an appearance while we were looking at the site of a Slave-making Ant (Formica sanguinea).

This is a well established site for this Ant.
Nice to see a different Ant when so many Wood Ant around.

Nice view of Large Skipper.

A tiny mining bee sp, along with Teasel, Green Grasshopper found before getting to the decoy pond. Usual Large Red and Azure Damselfly, Four-spotted Chaser, Emperor Dragonfly and two new species for me, Blue-tailed Damselfly (Ischnura elegans) and Downy Emerald (Cordulia aenea). This now puts me up to 13 species just at Broadwater, think this can still be added to as well. 
Walking round from the pond and through the woods. Had various plants identified but also saw White Admiral (Limenitis camilla) Lagoda in my other book. This butterfly needs Honeysuckle to feed on, and flies from low on the ground to the tree tops. Then had what I believe is a first for me, Silver-washed Fritillary (Argynnis paphia) got a photo but it was just closing its wings. Now I know what they like to feed on I hope I will see it again in the next couple of weeks and get another photo.

Small White and Meadow Brown also seen along with a lovely Common Spotted Orchid (Dactylorhiza fuchsii). Found out Dormice spend their time in the tops of trees, I certainly didn't know that. Really enjoyed the guided walk and as he is doing a couple more in Tonbridge soon I will definitely be going along to those.

Common spotted Orchid

Enchanted Nightshade

Yellow Pimpernel

After the walk, with renewed interest I did another quick circuit, but that will come later with the Moths.

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