Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Introduction to Moths evening

Before I start the Essex Skipper picture I showed you has been confirmed as an Essex not a Small so that's excellent.

Moving to Saturday 18th, it was an Introduction to Moths evening. Run at Woods Mill, Henfield again by the same person as the Butterflies. Got there about an hour early in order to try for a butterfly first, had been told to try the same tree we saw the Purple Emperor in. It took all of about 15 minutes to get there and see 2 Purple Hairstreaks flying around the top of the oak trees. Had been told last week that the best way to see these butterflies was to get to a oak tree or a few and look up at the tops of the tree from around 5.30 pm. it worked and the few times that I saw them if they did land it was in the tree and out of sight.
Joining the group we first looked at the different types of Moths in Britain and then particularly at the ones in Sussex. We looked at a few that had been trapped the night before, and tried to id them. We then let them all go including 2 Hawk-moths. You could feel the Moths vibrating to get there heat up so they could get active. We set up 2 traps, a Skinner Trap and a Robinson Trap. Then had a cup of Coffee and went to listen to a Daubenton's bat on the bat detector. Heard Tawny Owl call and when I had arrived there were 2 Turtle Doves calling. When we went to the first trap we saw plenty of Moths, but also plenty of Wasps and a Hornet. The hornet was put in a tube and re-located.
Here is a list of the ones seen that I have written down, I will add some more when I have confirmed what they are.

Small Magpie Moth
Elephant Hawk-moth
Poplar Hawk-moth
Ruby Tiger
July High-flier
Small Magpie
Scalloped Oak
Buff Ermine
Buff Arches
Dark Arches
Black Arches
The Drinker
Large Yellow Underwing     -just comes crashing in
Ghost Moth
Mother of Pearl
Clouded Border
Double square spot
Mottled beauty
Bright-line, brown-eye
Smokey wainscott
Riband Wave
Common Wave
Common white wave
Short-cloaked moth
Common Footman
Rosy Footman
Scorched Carpet
The Herald
Pebble Prominent
Dingy Footman
Dark tussock
Grey/Dark Dagger         -near impossible to tell apart

Didn't get many photos as camera not good unless zoomed in.

Black Arches

Mother of pearl - taken near the bright light

Elephant Hawk-moth

Poplar Hawk-moth

Rosy Footman

Hornet about to be re-located.

It was another really enjoyable evening. Got home just after midnight and then got up not long after to look at Bees.

The day before had been to my local park, they are re-doing it all with lottery funds and it is going to be excellent. One thing that will be interesting is this.

Will be keeping my eye on this project to help pollinators in the area. 

So next blog Rye Harbour and 3 rare bees.

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