Friday, 15 January 2016

Quick trip to Dungeness

Before I get to the Dungeness report, I went to my local park and saw Grey Wagtail there. I have seen this bird a few times recently so I am assuming it has territory there.
Also have been to Broadwater Warren where Stonechat and Buzzard were the best birds I saw.

Today (15th) I went for a 3 hour visit to Dungeness. A quick visit to the coast, viewing from the car. Gannet was flying along the coast and very clear in the light. A fair few Gulls including a Caspian, didn't go for the Glaucous due to time restrictions and I couldn't quite see it from the car.
The main place I wanted to visit was the RSPB reserve. Tree Sparrows were on the feeders at Boulderwall farm at the entrance. As I got to the car park Dartford Warbler appeared just near Dennis hide, saw this through the front windscreen and moved to get it through a side window and it disappeared. Didn't find it again. Long-eared Owl again was in its usual clump of trees, see below for my attempt at taking a photo.

Not the easiest bird to take but this proves what it was.

Goldeneye, Smew, Raven and loads of ducks were mainly seen. It was still windy and cold and no luck on any Pendulines but again didn't have lots of time.

Reed Bunting on the feeder

Sure I know what this is but not looked up yet. Flesh fly?

Thought I would give Denge marsh road a try on the way home, look for Great white, but no joy. As I was turning round though something caught my eye right at the back of the marsh. Bittern sitting on a branch, a long way off but if I scanned a little to the right I could see the hide so hope they could see it. Here's my attempt, given this is at full zoom.

That is a bittern, when I zoom it up on camera you can see the
head markings.

Brent Goose on the way home got my year total up to 82.

Have now booked my tickets to go to Faro, Portugal, March 1st - 5th. So now it is a case of getting some information of where to go and any locals that can help.

Also looks like we are going to India in December for a wedding so it is shaping up to be a good year.

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