Friday, 25 September 2015

Broadwater photos and a good day

Has it really been that long since my last post. I am still very annoyed that I didn't get the Flycatcher at Dungeness, was at Lewes and Brighton, which isn't that far away either. Was ready to get there the next day but alas no sighting.

I did kind of get my reward as I had a Golden Oriole at Broadwater Warren yesterday, 24th. It flew off just as I was turning a corner and I couldn't re-locate it. Being my usual self I started to doubt the sighting but there is no way I mis-identified it. I spoke to the warden who happened to be there when I got back to the car and he started to doubt it too so that didn't help. Migration is happening though, if that Flycatcher can get to Dungeness then anything is possible. Also had just 1 Tree Pipit, Buzzard, 11 Jackdaw, Green Woodpecker, 12 House Martin (had seen 120 the day before outside work), Great Tit, Blue Tit, usual Crow and Woodpigeons, along with Blackbird, Magpie, Robin and Kestrel. Quite a good haul for the sight, am still going to see if we can get a scrape or wader area on site.

Views of the heath areas at Broadwater

this small pool was dry for a while

This over turned tree has been particularly good for Yellowhammmers

If you visit then please take note of this as you will get very muddy feet
otherwise, I have tried. Below is the problem you will have to cross.

Thought it was time to get some site shots on here.

There are a lot of iron rich pool near the walkway and these trees
seem to be turning the same colour as the water they feed on.

Thats all for now more tomorrow.

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