Thursday, 4 June 2015

Dragonflies and Insects

Yesterday had a good day at Broadwater. Added 3 bird species including my first swallow at the site. The Decoy pond took the limelight though as that was were the action seemed to be. Pond Skaters, Wood Ants still plentiful, a few Tadpoles still left. Common Blue Damselfly (Enallagma oyathigerum) and Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) were both very active and quite a few of them, although the numerous photos I took of them all just come out as a blue or red blur, which is why you won't see any of those photos today.
 Had a beetle that looked like it was swimming and then finally found somewhere where it could get out of the water. Managed 2 decent photos but ideally need to be zoomed up,

Black-headed Cardinal Beetle (Pyrochroa coccinea)
Think the commoner species is Red-headed and this is the 
not as common version. 

Different area of water, an action shot as it wouldn't settle

Broad-bodied Darter /Chaser (Libellula depressa)
Someone else identified this for me, but now I know 
what it is will hopefully be easier to ID next time.

So back to the ones I mentioned in my last blog. I was told it was a Demoiselle, when I looked in my book it sounded like a Banded (Calopteryx splendens) however looking at a online site it looks more like Beautiful Demoiselle (Calopteryx virgo). Think the wings make it a Beautiful species, last year I think it was Banded that I saw at a different site and the wings had the obvious dark spots on. The other is confusing me (not hard some may think). Same person that identified the Broad-bodied thought from the photo it was probably a Migrant Hawker or Southern. However this looks different colour and the other thing similar I can find is Golden-ringed Dragonfly but habitat or location don't match. Club-tailed? Who knows, not me. Hopefully someone can enlighten me.

Think it is a Beautiful Demoiselle (Calopteryx virgo)

Plenty of shaking on this video but it is my first one.

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