I have however had a few opportunities to go out and try my new camera. I think I have taken about 300 photos with it so far so am getting used to it, enjoying the fact it has a view finder rather than just a digital screen.
Bird wise recently nothing unusual. Swifts are around and one pair is nesting just along the road from me. Spotted Flycatchers, Tree Pipits and Woodlark all around but not showing much at the moment. Have done Nightjar, Woodcock and Tawny Owl at Broadwater for the year, weather was not the best that night either. Had a Common Tern at Hayesden CP. Apart from a few warblers it is the usual suspects.
Have been on a Bee walk in Tunbridge Wells, Had quite a few different bees and a fair few plants and flowers. One of the walks I have done was at Southerham with the Sussex Wildlife Trust. A reserve on the South downs that has significant amount of chalk grassland. The soils on top of the chalk are very thin, and only support slow plant growth, but at the same time a huge diversit of different plant species and insects. Plants like Kidney and Horseshoe Vetch, Common Bird'sfoot Trefoil and Common Rock-rse are a few that I wrote down. Orchids always appeal to me and below a photo of Pyramidal and Bee Orchid.
Butterflies - Seen Common Blue, Ringlet, Large White, Small Skipper and Brimstone recently. Southerham though had the best one so far. Dark green Fritillary, think this is a first for me, I might have seen one years ago but this feels like a first. Am going to go here again next month for the chance of Silver-spotted Skipper and Adonis blue. Moths I know I had were Silver Y but will do those at a later date.
Dragonflies - and damselflies of course. After my Black-tailed Skimmer at Beddington I was always going to then see it again, Southerham again got excellent views of Black-tailed and Emperor dragonfly with Common blue as well. The new one for me though was Red-eyed damselfly at Hayesden CP, had been told where they would be and found the spot easily. Not the best of photos as a long way away, still with my old camera. Also had Downy Emerald there. July and August I hope to get a few more, maybe even get a chance to go with a dragonfly group to check out a area or two.
That's all for today. Am now sorting through all the photos I have taken with new camera, some need to be deleted, others identified. Will look at the insects next time after I have sorted and id'd some. Will then also give a park update as it is starting to look good now.