Thursday, 11 February 2016

Back to Broadwater

Mainly due to illness but also weather it was the first time I have been out birding for a week or so. Cold but at times the sun warmed me up nicely. For the first time the feeders just off from the car park produced Great, Blue and Coal Tit as well as a Robin trying to get in on the act. The fields out the back of the reserve were must productive with Pheasant, Woodpigeon, Magpie, Crow and a elusive but loud Song Thrush. Think I saw all three woodpeckers but the bird I think was a Lesser-spotted disappeared almost immediately. 21 for the visit with Meadow Pipit being the bird that I have seen there the least.

Marshy area all frozen over

A funghi on a silver birch

The Coal Tit wasn't as obliging as this Blue Tit

Holiday Update - So I am flying out to Portugal on 1st March, on the 2nd I am going to go round the  Ria Formosa reserve which is very near where I am staying in Faro. Will be doing this on my own and there are 3 new target birds. Iberian Magpie, Common Waxbill and Black-headed Weaver are the 3 potential new birds, but there should be lots of other goodies to see.
The 2nd and 3rd day will be with a local guide, have just got the final details so will look it up and put what I am hoping to see on those days, weather depending.